ACI Learning Tech Academy Terms and conditions

ACI Learning Terms & Conditions
Standard Terms
At ACI Learning, we are dedicated to assisting each and every student get trained, certified, employed, and advancing in high growth IT, cybersecurity and auditing careers. In order to assist our students in obtaining skills, certifications and employment, the following guidelines have been put in place to maintain compliance with all education Boards, and to guide Students in their progression.
Attendance Policy for On-Site and Online Training at ACI Campuses
Students are expected to arrive on time for classes with the proper materials and attitude. An overall attendance rate of 100% is expected to fully absorb the materials and to complete labs. If you have an expected absence, please contact our Support Team at or your instructor ahead of time. A minimum of 80% attendance is required to receive a Certificate of Completion.
Online Synchronous Learning Courses
ACI Learning records online synchronous courses for quality control and for audit and compliance purposes. By logging into your course, you are consenting to being recorded in the virtual classroom. The content of these recordings will not be shared with any outside entity.
Conduct Policy
All students are expected to treat all staff, instructors and students respectfully. Coming to class on time with all courseware and materials is crucial to success in your program. ACI Learning reserves the right to dismiss any student for language or gestures we deem offensive. No weapons, drugs, or smoking of any kind are allowed on any ACI Learning campus. During class active participation is expected. Cell phones and sleeping during class are prohibited.
Reschedule Policy
Campus-Based Training Programs:
ACI Learning is committed to keeping class sizes small in order to facilitate a high-quality learning environment for our students. Many classes at ACI Learning are full at 18-20 Students; because of this we have to minimize reschedules as much as possible. Any reschedules are approved on a case-by-case basis. Consideration for any unforeseen circumstances that may occur, ACI Learning’s Reschedule Policy allows students to reschedule their classes within their Program for extenuating circumstances.
Cancellation Policies
In-Person Campus-Based and Virtual Training Programs:
Cancellations can be made in person, by electronic mail, or by termination.
- A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within 72 hours (until midnight of the third day excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) or close of business the Thursday prior to commencement of class, whichever is sooner after the enrollment contract is signed.
- A full refund will also be made to any student who cancels enrollment three business days prior to scheduled class days, except that the school may retain not more than $100 in any administrative fees charged, as well as items of extra expense that are necessary for the portion of the program attended such as courseware and lab fees.
Confidentiality of Information
Each Party agrees that any Confidential Information it obtains during the term of performing these services as outlined on this Service Order shall be used solely for the purposes of fulfilling the Party's respective obligations under this agreement and no other purposes. Neither Party shall disclose confidential information to any person or entity other than those employees of the other Party engaged in the fulfillment of the other Party's obligations under this agreement who have a need to know such Confidential Information in connection with the fulfillment of the other Party's obligations under this agreement. Confidential Information includes, without limitation, any material or information that is specifically designated by any Party as Confidential Information through the marking of such material "Confidential."
Individuals with Learning Challenges
ACI Learning is not currently set up to support individuals with learning challenges and cannot assure positive outcomes for such individuals.
Exam Policy
Students are eligible to take certification attempts after completing each class. The following policy statements outline conditions and requirements associated with the certification attempt(s). It is recommended that all test-prep, labs, study guides and materials included in the program are completed before testing. It is the student’s responsibility, and to their advantage, to utilize resources both included in the program and outside of the program to ensure their readiness for exams.
Once you have completed class with attendance at 80% or greater and are fully prepared to take the exam, please contact our Support Team at to set up your desired time and date for the attempt. Students are limited to only one exam per class. No retake vouchers are provided. In the event you fail an attempt, if you registered for more than one course, you will have three options:
- Exchange one of the other certification attempts included in your registration.
- Pay out of pocket for additional certification attempts.
- Elect not to retake the certification attempts at all and move onto the other attempts in your program.
Certification attempts are to be requested via an Exam Prep Workshop Instructor Mentor, who will approve the voucher being issued. The voucher should be issued within six months from the last day of a completed class and students have one year to use said voucher once it has been issues.
Once you have registered for a certification attempt it will be your responsibility to contact the testing center, if you need to reschedule or your attempt will expire. In the event that you are unable to show up on time at the designated location date and time your test was scheduled, you will be unable to reschedule and will no longer be eligible to take that certification attempt.
ACE Assessment Policy
ACI Learning’s is ACE approved as of January 2018. Classes are eligible for ACE credit hours tied to each class that may be transferable to over 2,000 ACE participating colleges and university degree programs. In order to attain ACE credits aligned with classes, students must complete an end of training assessment for every class taken and pass with a 70% or higher. The assessment can only be taken by students that have met the 80% participation/attendance by the last day of class. The assessment can only be taken on the last day of class, no other arrangements will be made outside of class to take the assessment. Students who get below 70% on the assessment will get one more opportunity to take a re-assessment before the end of the class on the last day. If a student misses the assessment/last day of class due to a documented unforeseen circumstance outside of their control (emergency, medial, weather), ACI Learning reserve the right to review on a case-by-case basis to make an exception for the assessment to be taken as long as the student provides necessary documentation and communication to ACI Learning within 24hrs of last day of class.
Cyber NDA Form Policy
All students enrolled in Cyber Security courses are required to fill out an NDA form before the class begins.
NASBA Courses
ACI Learning is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
You can find a copy of these Terms & Conditions, as well as other general information, available for download here.- * ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved